Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The Campaign continues

The Anti-Trust group is still determined to stop the two Trust Schools being built in Waltham Forest. There have been several recent interventions that have gained more support for our campaign. 

We have in the past weeks protested outside the Surgery of Councillor Robbins, where we also asked members of the public to send letters objecting to the change of use of the cricket ground. The Councillor in question did not turn up to his surgery despite it being advertised as his week to be there. 

We did put the illusive Councillor under a bit of pressure when he turned up at the Community Council meeting the following week. He was asked by one of our group if he intended to ballot the parents of the schools about 'Trust Status' , along with the local residents. He replied that would not happen because it was just a "side show". Yes! to the councillor who is responsible for education and was democratically elected-democracy is a sideshow. Perhaps future voter, especially in Grove Green ward should remember this.

Graham Moss was also reluctant to have a parents' ballot when it came to Norlington school. Well, I guess we all know where they stand on this one.  

Last Thursday 19 3 09, there was a parents' meeting at Norlington to consult over Trust Status. The parents that did attend were all against the Trust and some were very angry indeed. At the end of the meeting many were chanting for a ballot but Graham Moss was not listening. Perhaps he and Chris Robbins have selective hearing difficulty-more likely they know how unpopular the Trust is with parents and residents but want to impose their views on the rest of us.

There is however, some possible good news on the horizon. The UCU union at the Institute and UEL have been contacted. The UCU lecturers' union, opposes academies and trusts in principle, along with the NUT, who have been a major force in the WFCAT group. They may be able to make some interventions in the campaign directly to the Institute and the UEL- something we have not been able to do.

Keep up the campaign!
Pat Stoppard 

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