It does not give much away but it does mention more options about who to appeal to.
6.7 states-consultation should be carried out with local residents and key stakeholders at all stages of the process.
Comment- This has not been done. There is a meeting at the Town Hall on February 12th, Chris Robbins and Chris Keirnan will discuss the so called BSF consultation. We could all suggest that it has not been carried out.
6.7 states- The scope for the GLA's intervention is contained within the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008. Under Article 3, Local Planning Authorities(LPAs) are required to notify the Mayor of "applications of potential strategic importance. Applications for developments that meet or exceed the following category of thresholds can trigger the potential for the Mayor's intervention in determining the application.
1. Development which is likely to prejudice the use of a playing field of more than 2 hectares of land which is
(a) used as a playing field.
It then goes on to qualify the term playing field.
Clearly, the definition of the prejudice is important here, however it could be argued that this building definitely does exactly that: it might well be worth getting in touch with Boris.
Other Contacts
Kevin Herring
Section Manager
Development Management
Environment and Regeneration
Sycamore House
Forest Rd
E17 4JF
0208496 6706
Ron Presswell
Programme Manager
For Parents and Teachers of the Schools in question
It is worth pointing out that we do not believe the proper consultation process has been adhered to. See below for the process that should have taken place. Again, The place to take this to is the meeting on 12 2 09 at The Town Hall.
It appears that we are being given the impression that the process for consultation is much shorter than it should be under guidelines about Trust Schools issued by the Government.
What is more worrying is the fact that Waltham Forest are pretending that the BSF consultation is a consultation on Trusts without ever mentioning the word Trust in their documents. This is deception and should be vigorously opposed. We need to demand that the so called consultation is declared void and they need to start a proper consultation based on the government guidelines below.
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